Parent Resources
The resources included here provide information about some of our instructional and clinical practices, in addition to tips and tools for parents and caregivers raising kids with autism. Many of the sources come from our partner, Trellis Services, which provides ABA treatment for children with autism in Maryland. Others come from LEARN Behavioral, a national organization made up of leading providers in autism treatment (including Trellis Services and the Trellis School) and from trusted sources like Autism Speaks and Pathfinders for Autism.
What is Applied Behavior Analysis? (Autism Speaks)
What is Verbal Behavior Therapy? (Autism Speaks)
Autism by Age (Pathfinders for Autism)
A Parent’s Guide to Autism (Autism Speaks)
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6 Calming Activities for the Hectic Holiday Season
Enjoying the holidays with a child on the autism spectrum starts with having a plan. You need real-world solutions. Here are some practical calming activities that may work for you.
Creating a Successful Holiday for Children with Autism
All Autism Talk Hosts Katherine Johnson and Richie Ploesch share their best holiday tips they've received over the years for your family.
6 Ways to Celebrate the Winter Solstice
If you’re looking to start a holiday tradition with your kids, the winter solstice offers many teachable moments.
Make the Holidays Successful for Kids on the Autism Spectrum
The key to a successful holiday season may lie in your ability to adapt to what works for your child with ASD, even if it’s unlike the holidays of your youth.
Why Gratitude Matters, and How to Foster It in Kids with ASD
What does it mean to “practice gratitude,” and how can gratitude help kids with autism? Find ideas and strategies.
How to Help Your Child Through a Meltdown
What can you do to help your child with autism through a meltdown? Keep calm, measure progress with small goals, and celebrate the victories.
Autism and Siblings: Tips to Help Your Neurodivergent and Neurotypical Kids Get Along
All sibling relationships have their ups and downs. How can you foster a healthy relationship between your autistic and neurotypical children?
Nobody's Normal: How Culture Created the Stigma of Mental Illness
As Richard shares, ”Look at the history of autism, when mothers were blamed and autism was only looked at in negative terms... We don’t end up in a very good situation. I’m trying to point this stuff out so people can realize we do have the power to change.”
How to Make Halloween a Treat for Kids with ASD
Halloween can be tricky for kids on the autism spectrum, but some planning and preparation can make the holiday a treat.
TSC: A Rare Genetic Disease with a 50% Autism Diagnosis
About 50% of those diagnosed with TSC, will also have a diagnosis of autism. Even if your child is not at risk for TSC, the thoughtful approach to treatment and resources can be valuable for all parents.
Autism and Picky Eating: Help Your Child Build Healthy Eating Habits
Does your autistic child’s picky eating challenge you as a parent or caregiver? These six tips for parents can help.