Parent Resources
The resources included here provide information about some of our instructional and clinical practices, in addition to tips and tools for parents and caregivers raising kids with autism. Many of the sources come from our partner, Trellis Services, which provides ABA treatment for children with autism in Maryland. Others come from LEARN Behavioral, a national organization made up of leading providers in autism treatment (including Trellis Services and the Trellis School) and from trusted sources like Autism Speaks and Pathfinders for Autism.
What is Applied Behavior Analysis? (Autism Speaks)
What is Verbal Behavior Therapy? (Autism Speaks)
Autism by Age (Pathfinders for Autism)
A Parent’s Guide to Autism (Autism Speaks)
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The Social Survival Guide for Teens on the Autism Spectrum with Lindsey Sterling
In this episode we talk with Child Clinical Psychologist and Author, Dr. Lindsey Sterling, about her book The Social Survival Guide For Teens on the Autism Spectrum.
Daylight Saving Time: Tips to Help Your Child Adjust
Preparing a child who has autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for any routine change can be a significant challenge. In fact, insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior are common traits and characteristics for children on the spectrum.
Perspectives: Supporting Women in the Workplace During the Pandemic
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has directly claimed 2.6 million lives worldwide, with roughly 20 percent, or 525,000, of the departed living in the United States. Indirectly, the cost of and on lives is vast—beyond vast, actually—and we are all facing this vastness together, now and for future generations.
How Books Can Help Kids with Autism Build Language
Children learn language best when they’re engaged and interested—something the right book can evoke in an instant. Since children on the autism spectrum sometimes struggle with reading comprehension, it’s important to build positive routines around reading as early as possible in your child’s life. Why?
BABA Initiatives and Their Upcoming Conference with President, Adrienne Bradley
In this episode we bring back Adrienne Bradley, President of BABA to talk about their latest initiatives and the Upcoming BABA Conference in June.
Spotlight on Black Professionals in ABA: Brandon Whitfield
Our new series, “Spotlight on Black Professionals in ABA,” kicks off with an interview with Brandon Whitfield, the clinical director overseeing LEARN Behavioral’s Autism Spectrum Therapies (AST) Beach Cities office in beautiful, sunny Los Angeles.
Autism Help at Home: Manding (Part 1)
Teaching Manding to children with autism. Presented by Katherine Johnson, BCBA.
Autism Services in Italy with Founder of Progettoautismo, Elena Bulfone
In this episode we talk with the President and Founder of Progettoautismo, Elena Bulfone, about her foundation and her program dedicated to teaching medical workers how to treat patients with autism.
Celebrate Black History Month with These Children's Books
In honor of Black History Month, and because this is an essential topic for all families, compiled below are six books for children and teens that address race, racism, and the Black experience.
Perspectives: Why Access to ABA Is a Matter of Social Justice
As our country starts the process of distributing vaccines for COVID-19 and re-opening our cities, many people are hoping that 2021 delivers a return to normal. We are getting that first glimpse of a promising horizon. But instead of trying to return to the old normal, we have a chance to establish a new and better normal, informed by the experiences of the past year.
Autism Help at Home: Natural Environment Teaching (NET)
Using Natural Environment Teaching (NET) for children with autism. Presented by Katherine Johnson, BCBA.